We complete most projects in close cooperation with local partners. We are the investors and guarantors for building and operation management. We carefully weigh up the profile and content of each area, and this is why, in our completed projects, you will always find original, local specific features supported. From sports and relaxation facilities, through to ecological and educational centres and family entertainment venues.
The shape and function of any facility which bear the mark of the Zážitková Akademie s.r.o., is always reflected in the marketing. Thanks to this, we can guarantee a positive reception expressed by high attendance and the prosperity of the whole project.
During construction and operation, we pay particular attention to budgets and deadlines, as well as the quality of implementation and fulfillment of the environmental mission, sustainable architecture. Our references are convincing proof that respect for nature doesn‘t need to conflict with comfort for end-users.
Zážitková Akademie s.r.o. enters into all projects as an investor (equity partner) and a developer. In most areas, we also provide operations due to our high level of experience from previous successful projects.
We are happy and willing to cooperate with other partners. We are also ready to offer an expansion or an extension to already functional concepts (aquacentre, mountain resorts, zoo etc.).
We have the know-how which is required for the realisation of an unique adventure area (e.g. for a city, a municipality or other legal entity owning land).
We do not provide licenses and we do not sell franchises, we stand by every project. This is the only way that we can guarantee the maximum success for every current and future project.
Got an idea? Leave us a message: nabidky@zak.cz
Naší snahou je poskytovat zcela výjimečné zážitky v souladu s ekologií a přijatelnými náklady na straně návštěvníků. Vytváříme síť mimořádných projektů, kdy se stále více turistů jimi nechává inspirovat k cestám po této části Evropy. S návštěvníky jsme v těsném kontaktu. Provádíme četné průzkumy spokojenosti a ankety, včetně sociálních sítí, jejichž výsledky jsou základem každoroční evaluace.
visitors' satisfaction fluctuated between a rating of 9.1 to 9.6 (out of 10) in 2016
in 2015, the mark was 9.3 – 9.5 on all the trails at that time
in 2016, between 87 - 91% of visitors said that they would return
in 2015, this spread was between 85% - 94%
Positive motivation of visitors to Zážitkové Akademie s.r.o. has a positive impact on the sales of refreshments, souvenirs, gifts and other services. This has also lead to an increase in the organisation of tours, team-building courses and company events.